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- Subject: Digestive
- Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 23:20:48 +0200 (MDT)
- From: Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl (Annius Groenink)
- X-Face: "E3Hm]k]&:,OEP<{D2ixJf>-9[qOGLebNa0&cQyFL-a~)kTM3&&I"gFw=fJ]K%1IduGjOE`
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- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- I discovered 'split' on my UNIX box, and managed to sz the 70K of
- gem-list I received today home over the phone line.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [> Perhaps we should do this:
- [>
- [> <- Lshift
- [> -> Rshift
- [> (uparrow) Either shift
- Well, I do make a distinction in MasterBrowse (using exactly the method
- outlined above) but upon reflection I think it would be better not to
- make a distinction. When typing, people ussually use the closest shift
- key to the key they want to press, so forcing them to use one key or
- the other might not be desirable.
- I think we should include the option in the proposal with the additional
- note that it should only be used rarely and there should be a pretty
- good reason (for example something with left and right versions).
- ---
- Tim writes
- Initially, I thought that I might be able to tolerate looking at the
- scancode for the control-keys, but with all this extra CRAP that needs to
- be dealt with for foreign keyboards, my responce is 'screw it!'.
- Hey, people, you're getting overly complicated!
- This is a technical discussion, Tim. We're not afraid of details here,
- be they of psychological nature or whatever. A demanding user (such as
- yourself!) will not tolerate a programmer who doesn't go to the very
- extreme to make his/her creations perfect.
- I don't have a foreign keyboard either :-) [it's a UK type] but I still
- care (not least because Germany is a good Atari market).
- ---
- Andre, wittily,
- (timothy)
- > When the simple solution would be to change select-whole-document to
- > something else on the keyboard... end of story.
- If SHORTCUT.INF becomes a reality, you will be able to do exactly that.
- ... except, probably, in Atari Works...
- ---
- Timothy:
- What do you suggest that the programmer do to distinguish between, some
- control codes (like ctrl-m, i, h, etc.) and the other keys that normally
- generate them (return, tab, backspace, etc.), and maintain compatibility
- with foreign keyboards? Keep a seperate key table for each language?
- The keytbl() command gives you the key tables. It produces different
- tables for different ROMs.
- If the shortcuts are configurable, then there's no point in having a
- standard because people can set it to however they want. Programmers and
- users both would be changing them to their own preference, and no two
- systems would be the same.
- The standard would be a way of distributing a STANDARD shortcut
- configuration, and my guess is it will resemble the de facto standards
- pretty much so people won't change the very global shortcuts.
- BTW, we could easily distribute TWO standard configurations: one with
- the german ^U/^W and one with the Motif standard and ^W for close
- window. Perhaps we should pipe the SHORTCUT.INF through the C
- preprocessor first (like .Xdefaults) and have a #define GERMAN.
- Once we've settled a syntax, we can continue the shortcuts discussion
- in that syntax, which will avoid ambiguous proposals.
- ---
- andre:
- Oh, am I allowed to see what you have decided to do to my proposals at that
- stage, then? That's very generous of you.
- I agree, it was a rather brute proposal of mine. But then, I tried to
- get one discussion off the list for a while. I thought I'd noticed that
- people liked the .Xdefaults-like notation, so I thought let's have a go
- at that. By the time I wrote that I didn't know you were going to write
- a proposal the very same day.
- I think I've covered that already. What we could do is to allocate
- blocks of numbers for very specific tasks, such as DTP, MIDI, etc.
- Would that make you happier? (e.g. 1000+ for DTP-oriented tasks, 2000+
- for MIDI, 3000+ for painting/photo/etc, 4000+ for Database, etc). Again
- I wanted to avoid making this too complex - if it's hell to work with, no
- one will bother.
- Who's talking about NUMBERS? Who's making things complicated here?
- Although I do agree that many people find files like .Xdefaults hard to
- maintain. But making it case-insensitive already helps a bunch.
- The whole *idea* was to generate a file along the lines of ASSIGN.SYS, but
- with multi-language (optional) comments to allow users to change it if they
- want - or, as others have said, just use an editor.
- The idea of a file came shortly after I proposed a system-wide manager.
- Sure, a file seems better, but why ASSIGN.SYS as its example?
- ASSIGN.SYS is one of the most horrific file format's I've ever seen.
- I re-read your first proposal, but I still don't see what the actual
- purpose of your codes is. Do you have anything concrete in mind when
- you say (still Andre:)
- The code numbers at the start of each line would be defined as part
- of our spec, and used by each application to determine what type of
- command is being defined on each line.
- ?
- ---
- Michel:
- standard includes things such as block marking, what order modifiers
- should appear in menus, how dialog boxes should react to keys, and how
- the cursor should react to keys. These are not things that can be
- controlled in the SHORTCUT.INF file.
- I don't see why not. Just don't bind keys to MENU ITEMS, but to
- descriptions of ACTIONS instead. Such an action could be 'select-all'
- but it could equally well be 'delete-word'.
- ---
- Tim:
- If,
- in order to support your standard, I have to go through a lot of work and
- headaches, I'm not going to support your standard. I want to write a
- good piece of software and not sacrifice good functionality because I had
- to spend a lot of time dealing with unnecessary overhead.
- Good point. We should try and keep things simple. The SHORTCUT.INF, if
- it is ever to come, should be designed to be
- a) easy to edit
- b) easy to parse, with the sort of things a program uses it for in mind.
- I am also slightly horrified by the idea that I'd have to match for a
- descriptive string for EVERY MENU ITEM or EVERY ACTION my program
- supports in order to process a line of the SHORTCUT.INF file... This is
- where a KEYMGR.ACC could come in handy as an intermediate between the
- SHORTCUT.INF file and the programmer. A program would simply call the
- manager with its name, its application class and a key. The manager
- would return a simple code (perhaps a 'long ascii' cookie) the program
- could easily work with.
- Then again... if we adopt the RSC editing option, I find it equally
- hard to search the menu for shortcuts and then store them somewhere.
- You can't search the menu for every single key...
- ---
- michel:
- Yes, I agree. Since each application knows what it supports and what it
- does nto, it should only use the keyboard shortcuts for the general codes
- that it supports.
- Then we should allow multiple assignments to one key in the standard.
- Otherwise we'd get a standard full of word processor codes such as
- Italic and Delete Paragraph and programs in other classes wouldn't have
- any room left for their specialities.
- Maybe we should then split the shortcuts into a group of keys which have
- ONE meaning (such as close window, cycle, select all), and a series of
- keys for which the programmer can choose between a number of options (at
- most, say, 3 per key, which reasonably resemble eachother).
- ---
- michel:
- I agree; codes are the way to go. Parsing text is also a problem because
- the user might edit the file (perhaps changing words or changing the
- case of the text) and mess everything up. Numbers parsing is more
- efficient anyway.
- Parsing numbers may be more efficient for a computer, but not for me!
- But if you feel so generous as to write the SHORTCUT.INF editor for us,
- I won't complain.
- ---
- Timothy (repeating a point for the nth tyime in reply to Warwick
- repeating a point of his for the kth time)
- So, what you're saying is that Pradip should scrap his whole method
- for handling blocks for the sake of saving ctrl-A?
- That's rediculous.
- You're sacrificing a whole section of the user interface and making him
- scrap it and rewrite it just to save ctrl-A.
- I'd like to repeat Warwick's point here. That was an ILL section of the
- user interface, as some of us agreed on earlier.
- When the simple solution would be to change select-whole-document to
- something else on the keyboard... end of story.
- A. We've reached the end of the story? Good.
- cu
- --
- Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl | Private & ZFC:
- CWI, Kruislaan 413 | Room: M233 | P.O. Box 12079
- 1098 SJ Amsterdam | Ext: 4077 | NL 1100 AB Amsterdam
- Netherland | Phone: +31 20 592 4077 | Phone: +31 20 695 9901